Saying goodbye to a town I love

So far, 2017 has been the year of doing stuff that scares me.

In March, I put in my notice at my job — a job that I loved. A job that I liked waking up every day for, and that I did fulfilling work during.

That week, I started my own business. A business that is doing incredibly well in just a few weeks. (If you’re interested, you can learn more about that here)

And now, I’m moving to a new city, and leaving a town that I’ve absolutely adored for more than eight years.

I started college at IUP in the fall of 2009.

I came to Indiana to start college at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2009. I had an attachment to its small-town charm from Day 1. When I was offered a job at The Indiana Gazette right out of school, I was thrilled to be able to stay in the community that I loved so much.

Since then, I’ve grown fond of walking my dogs through the tree-lined streets, visiting my favorite boutiques on Philadelphia Street and going to downtown festivals. And, of course, I love hearing Jimmy Stewart’s voice letting me know it’s OK to cross the street.

Indiana is the place that I met my truest friends. The place where I figured out myself. The place where I adopted my three furry buddies. The place where I met my boyfriend.

And the place where I became the person with enough courage to leave.

Moving is scary.

My little house that I’ve adored living in for three years.

And it’s scary because I’ve gotten so comfortable here, in my little white house on the hill, living a perfectly happy life.

But I know, in order to grow, I need to try something new. So this weekend, I’ll be leaving Indiana to start my next adventure in the State College area.

I’ll still be living in a lovely small town, Bellefonte. Which will be great, because I’ll have the small-town life that I enjoy so much, with a big(ish) city right next door.

The best part of all of it, is that I already know I’ll love it. I’ll love the new little white house that I’m moving into, in the not-quite-as-cute part of town. I’ll love trying new things, and meeting new people.

So make sure to keep up with Life Disconnected as I navigate this next part of life — I’ll be posting more frequently about moving, decorating my new home, and of course, exploring my new community.

Here are some photos of my favorite Indiana moments and friends (and I couldn’t save nearly enough of them to post here):

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