Inspirational online communities (and accounts)

OK, so I know this blog is supposed to be about disconnecting. And it is, I swear.

Sometimes, though, you need a little travel inspiration — or just the inspiration to get moving and stay off the couch.

Here are some of my favorite online communities and accounts that I follow:


1. Girl vs. Globe

I recently joined this group to see what other travel bloggers are up to. These women are sharing their own blogs, tips and travel ideas, as well as asking each other for advice and support.

There are some absolutely beautiful travel stories and photos being shared on there, and I encourage ladies looking to learn more about world travel to join.



2. Hiking with Dogs

My rescue pups, Scout and Murphy, are with me on my adventures 90 percent of the time. We love hiking all over western Pennsylvania, and go out of area when we can, too.

Hiking with Dogs is a friendly community that shares photos, dog-friendly hiking areas and other dog-related outdoors threads.



3. Happy to Wander

Happy to Wander’s Christina Guan has got travel blogging figured out. She’s not only blogging about her adventures, but teaching others to do so as well.

I’ve found her blog incredibly helpful while starting my own.

See it here. Here’s a sampling from her Instagram:


4. Elsie Larson, A Beautiful Mess

Not travel related, but since Life Disconnected also has a Lifestyle section, it wouldn’t hurt to share where I get some of my home decor ideas from. I’ve followed A Beautiful Mess for a very long time, but have always loved following Elsie’s stories and posts the most.

Here’s a sampling from her Instagram:


5. Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal, on social media, is a compilation of inspirational images that I find motivate me in travel as well as in every day life. On their website, they publish articles on mindfulness, wellness, travel and more.


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