Three things to do in Baltimore this holiday season
During the holidays last year, I had the opportunity to visit Baltimore, Maryland, and experience some of the city’s coolest traditions.
Baltimore has a lot of activities for adults and families alike.
Here are some of my recommendations during a holiday-season visit:
1. Visit Christmas Street
Also known as the “Miracle on 34th Street,” the 7oo block of 34th street in Baltimore’s Hampden community comes alive with a huge display of holiday lights. The tradition strated in 1947, when its namesake movie debuted, and starts in late November and continues through early January.

2. Go on the Edgar Allan Poe tour
While you can do the tour at any time, the holidays are a pretty neat time to explore the city’s tour of notable places in Edgar Allan Poe’s life. The tour starts at his home, which is now a museum, visits his grave and then heads to the last place he had a brew — The Horse You Came In On Saloon in Fells Point.

3. Make a stop at Christmas Village
The city’s Inner Harbor hosts a German Christmas market each year from Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. It features arts, vendors, food and more. Plus, it has some pretty cool photo opps.

There are many events planned in Baltimore this holiday season. See them here.
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